Fixed a bug which caused the game to crash when loading an Arrow with an unrecognized data value ( MCPE-157983).Fixed a crash that could occur when an animated structure was loading from a Structure Block and the player left a dimension via portal ( MCPE-132561).Fixed a crash when using spawn eggs in peaceful worlds on PlayStation 4 Edition.If there are only spectating players on the server, mob despawning is now put on hold.If a player is in Spectator Mode and other non-spectating players are present on the server, the spectating player won't affect mob despawning anymore.Spectators are now invisible to normal players.Shulker bullets no longer follow Spectators ( MCPE-162069).Spectator players no longer play sounds when entering/exiting bubble columns ( MCPE-161536).Water fog is no longer removed for players in Spectator Mode ( MCPE-161105).Spectators no longer reset their player level when killed.Spectators no longer drop XP orbs when killed ( MCPE-160245).Amphibious mobs no longer have trouble pathfinding around Mud Blocks ( MCPE-153961).Projectiles landing on Mud will not repeatedly shake ( MCPE-153744).Players swimming above Mud will not have their screen covered ( MCPE-153737).Librarian Villagers can now offer Enchanted Books with Curse of Vanishing and Curse of Binding ( MCPE-84906).Increased Ravager speed to match Java Edition ( MCPE-48145).Increased Ravager collision box size to match Java Edition ( MCPE-142171, MCPE-45531).Ravagers can now be hurt by Evoker Fangs.

Decreased the amount of hunger used while swimming to match Java Edition ( MCPE-154452).

Scaffolds now burn at a more correct rate, 1/4 of an item ( MCPE-42949).Changed bubble column strength to match Java Edition ( MCPE-158858).Sweet Berries can now be planted on Farmland ( MCPE-99632).Mobs no longer spawn within the bounds of an Ancient City ( MCPE-153524).The Roofed Forest, Savanna Mutated, and Birch Forest biomes use the correct grass colors ( MCPE-34936).Getting killed by a mob with a renamed weapon now produces a death message with the item name ( MCPE-162055).