This is a puzzle game that will see you shooting ragdolls out of cannons to hit a target, while navigating a variety of obstacles. And a big thank you to beethy on our forums - who suggested that game to us! It gets a little repetitive, though - I'm giving it a 7. It's a good little game, though - and it definitely has that addictive quality of constantly getting those upgrades to beef up your ship. Just get me back to the pew pew action already!

You will find yourself skipping through a lot of the dialogue, though - however when you do stop to read it can actually be quite funny - but there was just so much of it I rarely bothered. These help to make Space Miner feel less like a souped-up version of Asteroids and more of a genuine game in its own right I thought. and you really notice the difference once you've applied an upgrade. You'll use the ore you collect to purchase upgrades for your mining ship - and these range from nuclear reactors for more power, better engines, to additional guns, shields, scanners. and generally make life difficult for you by showering you with gunfire while you attempt to complete side-missions - like, saving tourists or activating a bunch of satellites. You're not alone out there in space, though - pesky androids will try and take you out, as well as taking your precious, precious ore.

You'll be mining space ore that's found within the asteroids you blast to smithereens by pulling it into your ship with a nifty tractor-beam - movement of your ship is controlled by a virtual directional pad on the screen, which is responsive, but maybe not quite precise enough. You'll also need to locate satellites to download navigation data to unlock new space sectors which increase in difficulty the further into space you go.

It's sweet, asteroid-shooting madness as you navigate your mining ship through asteroid fields to help your Crazy Uncle Jeb pay off a nasty debt to the bank. With that in mind, we picked a few of the more popular games that actually caught our interest - as well as taking the advice of some of our forum-goers.įirst up, Space Miner: Space Ore Bust. Then even more people buy it thinking 'Well, everyone else is buying it, so - it must be good!' A game might be high in the list simply because it's cheap. Unfortunately, a top rating game on the app store doesn't necessarily mean a top quality one. We've been getting more and more requests to review games for the iPhone and iPod Touch - so we thought we'd take a look at some of the top games on the app store to see if the PSP and DS are in any danger of getting shelved just yet.