Getting enough cards unlocks some prizes later on, and enables a mini-game that gets you Tales of Vesperia costume Aliases. If you go into a town/new road and go back, they'll respawn. Almost every road has the chance to have a character card, and the chance to get them is random, so you can loot all the sparklies and not get it, or you could get it on the first one. When you're walking around outside of town, you'll see Treasure Spots that sparkle on the ground. Some tips for the completionist, I'll be using what they were called in the Japanese game since I don't know their localisations yet: We'll (mostly I) will be in the process of adding all the English details, but since I likely won't own the game myself, I'll need to wait for sources to come in first. So for the completionist like Sarah, this would be pretty useful I would imagine, to help get everything. I've been in the process of updating it recently since a lot of the Aliases are still in Wii data and it needs to have both Wii and PS3 information on each page, and much of it is untranslated because I can't work that hard. Character pages will likely contain spoilers, but Artes, Aliases, Equipment, etc. If anyone needs information about in-game details, you can find almost all of it here, since I doubt there will be many good guides around, and definitely nothing as easy to look at as these tables.